
When One Person in a Relationship Changes

With the divorce rate as high as it is today, I often wonder what is happening to couples.  I am especially intrigued by the divorcing couples that have been married for 15 plus years.  They’ve been together so long, some since they were sweethearts in high school. What changed? I am reading a great book…
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Values and Sexuality: Having the “Sex Talk” With Your Children

If we value our children we must help them to develop a value system that benefits them and positively impacts the world in which they will live.  Before you can teach values, however, you must decide which values to teach.  This means stopping to think about what you believe is important. What do you want…
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Children Learn What They Live

As parents, we are a constant model to our children.  Their eyes are always on us, watching how we interact with others, how we handle situations, and how we allow others to treat us.  We pass on our values to our children by the way we lead our lives.  It’s big I know…   For those…
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4 Predictors of Divorce and Their Antidotes

According to John Gottman, there are 4 predictors of divorce.  He refers to them as the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse.   He also graciously offers antidotes for each one. 1.  Criticism Attacking your partner’s personality or character, usually with the intent of making someone right and someone wrong: Generalizations:  “you always…”  “you never…” “you’re the…
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