Category Archives: Marriage

You Teach People How To Treat You

As you read the title of this blog, I don’t want you to think that starting now you should begin teaching people about how you want to be treated. The title is meant to inform you, that this is already happening. When you understand that you teach people how to treat you, you can begin…
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The Maturity Continuum

Yes, I admit, I need to be needed. I don’t admit this with shame.  It is who I am, it is why I am in the helping profession.  My desire to help others is deeply rooted in my values and the act of helping often makes my heart sing.  You can't beat it; it just feels good!   If…
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Are You Over-Functioning?

I see “overfunctioning” happening all the time in relationships.  It is most easy to spot when looking at the roles of husband and wife in and out of the home.  You may find the woman overfunctioning in her duties to run the household, complaining all the way and grumbling when the man tries to help…
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How Important Is Emotion?

“It’s huge!”  That is what I’ve always said, for lack of a better explanation. I have always found it difficult to find the words to explain the important role of emotion in one’s life and furthermore how the role of emotions can be used effectively in therapy, in fact emotions are one of the greatest tools for healing.  I’ve…
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